Cleaning the Closet – Circa 2023

Cleaning the closet is never simply about cleaning the closet: there are always a lot of hidden motives behind such an act of bravery. And why did the idea of bravery come to mind at the end of the very first sentence. Perhaps it is the very act of avoiding such a task, day after day and month after month, and this after first hearing the call to get rid of those shirts that haven’t been worn for a year or two. And what about those sweaters that have been piled on top of one another since long before the pandemic, when a full time job required pressed shirts and nice sweaters.

We all remember the oft quoted advice, in relation to cleaning closets, that if you haven’t worn it for a year it is time to remove it from its hanger. Whatever “it” might be.

So, I recently filled up a garbage bag with those shirts and another bag with sweaters and took them to the Salvation Army and dropped them into that big box in front with donations written on it in big black letters. I wasn’t exactly floating, did I seem to feel a bit lighter as I jumped back into my truck and headed to the dry cleaners.

Yes Virginia, there is more to this story than what this surface introduction would seem to suggest.

Before I took to the closet, my wife gently reminded me that she had given me several merino wool sweaters that I might want to keep. They were expensive and light weight and well worth keeping.

I knew where the dry cleaners was located even though I think the last time I visited them was when Bush was president. My thought was that for a few bucks I could get them cleaned and folded and hung on hangers and they would be clean and ready if the sweater mood ever struck. I am happy to say that all five of them have a new home hanging in another closet and that I actually took one out of the bag and wore it for a few cold days.

But this story isn’t about cleaning the closet or finding a few sweaters to wear. It’s really more about getting a part of my life organized which is one of the strongest motives we have to do anything. After having spent years collecting stuff and living the “good” life, we approach a cross-roads of sorts which leads us to begin the process of lightening our load and getting things in order so that we can enjoy each day as it arrives.

When I was tasked many years ago to clean up my dads apartment after he died, I was overwhelmed by all the odd stuff he had stashed in every nook and cranny and drawer in his place. I sort of made the pronouncement at that point that I wouldn’t leave the same amount of junk for my kids to filter through when I depart. We all know that saying this is like saying that we will never complain about the traffic: it’s kind of a hollow threat.

Having said all that, I am in the process of bringing order to a little piece my world everyday. Today, in the basement, I dusted and cleaned an area with lots of computer cables and junk like that which will never be used again. My truck was half full of boxes and bags which are gone for good.

Now I have to figure out what to do with the hundred or so music cd’s that have been collecting dust for a few years. I don’t even own a CD player anymore, having taken most of that stuff to the habitat store a couple of years ago. It’s nice to have a Beatles, Dylan, and Pete Seeger collection, but knowing that it will probably never get played again, is a hard fact to wrap the head around.

I guess it is kind of like riding a bike. For several years, I rode my bike 50-75 miles every week and really enjoyed the road and the fellowship of riding in groups and by myself. Then, for some reason, that season seemed to end, but it was a couple of years later that I finally sold my bike, after coming to terms with that reality.

For many years, I listened to music all the time at work and in my car. Now I play my guitar or mandolin every day and sometimes listen to some piano music as I lay in bed before I fall asleep. Ear buds are a great invention for this.

And I guess that sums it up: we need to be brave and take those steps that bring us peace and happiness even though it means letting go of some things that have meant a lot to us.

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What’s A Blog – My 314th Post – A Trigger Warning

There are times in our lives (at least in mine) where a light comes on, or a door opens, unto an understanding of how our minds work and how we process the many bits and pieces of information we are confronted with on a daily, moment by moment basis.

At times, this information input can be overwhelming and lead to a sense of frustration and we might ask: what do we do with all this stuff we are thinking about?

In one of those magical marriage moments last night, talking with my wife Sandi, I began to unpack a few thoughts that just seemed to pop up for that very moment and that moment alone.

I realized, as I began to talk and explore, that of all the pictures and information I gather each day, I really only share perhaps a very small amount of it with her, and likewise, her with me as well. It is interesting how our brains relegate an order of importance to the days input events and we are left with a distillation of them at days end.

And I guess, anymore than the few things we are left with, would be more than we could handle from a practical perspective.

One of the ideas that I explored that evening was whether or not we have the ability to live an intentional or purposeful life every moment of every day. In other words, can we move forward in the moment with intent or direction and awareness of who we are and how we fit into the overall scheme of things. And all this with without feeling overloaded or having the need to dump or unload these thoughts and feelings on someone else.

From personal experience, I will admit that feeling overwhelmed can lead to a place of self-medication, which can then lead to dependence or addiction.

I think recently watching the latest version of “A Star Is Born” might have had something to do with my recent state of mind. Watching a talented musician wreck his life with alcohol and drugs, was not a pretty thing to see on the screen. We can understand why he took his own life, knowing that he had little or no control over his addictions and that the end result would be his detrimental effect of his wife’s career.

I recently fell and broke my hip and as I fell onto the concrete in the back parking lot of a local Walmart, I believe I heard God say, as I hit the ground and was aware of my condition, “I have saved your life!” What I thought this meant at the time and what this means to me now, is still somewhat the same, yet has changed in depth and understanding.

I knew my fondness for red wine had gone beyond what it should be, but until the other evening, was not fully aware of what this habit had done to dull my mind and thoughts. As I talked with Sandi, I was aware that my mind was clearer than it had been in some time and this was also a part of what “saving my life” had meant.

When bad habits begin to control us, our purpose seems to muddy itself and our follow through is not as intentional as it should or can be.

Sort of like this: I like growing things but do not always follow through with intent or purpose. In growing cabbage, the purpose is to create sauerkraut or Kimchi. Many times I haven’t keep the worms from eating my cabbage and as a result, have nothing to work with at the end of the season. The lesson is to not grow more than you can deal with at season’s end and don’t let a week or two go between looking at what your veggies are doing. That’s being “purposeful”.

When I fell, my sense of or awareness of where I was and what I was doing was most likely dulled to a degree and allowed me to lose my footing and fall and break my hip.

Yet in that breaking, something also broke in my life, which in so doing, has cleared the path for me for what is to come. No pain, no gain, and I can say that this one event was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. And for weeks afterward, as I had to use a walker and sleep in a recliner because it was to painful to get into my bed.

Through the whole ordeal, I have had the sense of this event being a blessing rather than a curse and this has helped me during those early days of pain and frustration. Yes, there were moments of crying and despair, but realizing that there was a purpose in my accident, helped to mediate the pain and helplessness I felt.

God really does cause all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His “purpose”. Romans 8:28

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The New Year Every Year.

“The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills” is the title of a book and subsequent poem that Charles Bukowski wrote and published in 1969. The book was printed and published by the Black Sparrow Press in Los Angeles, and was printed using the old fashioned letter press method instead of the more modern offset press.

In one of my many former lives, I was the director of The East Lansing Arts Workshop (1975-78), located in the Old Marble school several miles from Michigan State University. During this time, I had come into possession of an old Ben Franklin letterpress printer. It was the type of printing machine that required you to hand set each letter from a tray filled with different sizes of A’s, B’s and Z’s, etc. There was a platen where you applied ink, which the rollers would run over and then apply ink to the type, held in place in a frame, and then the press would bring the paper into contact with the inked type and then return to print the next sheet of paper, all hand fed.

It was a marvelous machine, a direct descendant of Guttenberg’s bible press, and depending on the quality of paper used, the type would not only leave ink on the paper but would also leave just a slight indention in the paper. The better the setup, the less indentation but there was no missing the fact that a book had been printed using the “letter press”, which at that point had become somewhat of a lost art.

It is a hard process to describe, but suffice it to say that every bit of your body is used in the production of a printed piece. My machine had a big flywheel which was in turn rotated by an electric motor with a huge leather flywheel belt to keep it going. Once engaged, it was up to the operator to keep feeding the paper into the press and removing the piece that had just been inked. Once the press was engaged, here was no first gear, then second and then third: it was full bore the whole way. You could stop the paper from hitting the type, but the press kept moving as long as the motor was on.

Interesting, but not the point of this post. I think I told this story in order to set the stage for the time when I first encountered the thought of days “running away”. Those days of printing stuff at the Old Marble School have runaway or more accurately faded into the past.

Since falling on October 17th of 2022 and breaking my hip, I have had plenty of time to ponder my days and how they have come and gone and in some sort of sense, run away as well.

Yet as I peer into 2023, what is it that I am seeing. Is it holy spirit smiling back at me and whispering in my ear that I need to value each and every day, each and every cup of coffee or glass of wine with my wife, and keep my family as a priority.

My life, as I recall, has been mostly accentuated by big brush strokes and lots of primary colors. Add to this periods of greys, crystal clean black and whites and colorful, muted pastels and earth tones, and you get the picture: almost.

I have never considered myself a writer, although I have journaled for years. I play the guitar almost everyday and have never considered myself a musician, nor an artist though I have filled up many portfolios.

I am just a boy, standing in front of my future, and asking for a little bit of perspective and some knowledge of my purpose to take with me for the rest of my ride, no matter the length or the width or the depth of it.

My fall has given me a gift and allowed me to slow down and rid myself of some habits that needed to be gone, but were hard to walk away from when I walked in full strength and without a limp. I have faith to believe that my limp will lessen and my strength will return and I will achieve the balance that my life has needed for several years.

Our story is like that letter press printed page, with each letter selected, slowly, one by one, until the whole page is finished, sentence by sentence, inked and prepared for publication.

And rather than the image of a horse running over a hill, our lives are at best, like a mountain stream, that runs past a stationary spot, yet keeps running from a source hidden in the hills, over and over and over and beyond a place that we have ever been.

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The New World

This was originally written in April 2020 and for some reason never published. It has some good stuff so here it is today.

One of my favorite past times is reading the newspaper. I know, that is kind of “old school” but that is what I grew up with. When I was a youngster growing up in Port Huron, Michigan, I had two paper routes as they were called back in the day. Each morning at 5:30 or 6:00 I would pick up and deliver the Detroit Free Press to about 75 or 80 people in and around my neighborhood. The Free Press was a Daily morning newspaper and that is how lots of adults began each and every day: reading the news. In addition to that route, I also had a Sunday route delivering the Detroit News, which was a weekend fixture in many homes at that time. It was big and heavy and included the Parade magazine and Sunday comics, which I delivered Saturday morning while collecting the subscription money which many people paid each and every week.

It was one of the very first “gig” jobs and we were all independent contractors who collected money and paid our “paper bills” each Saturday.

Nearly 32 years later, I would find myself working for a little twice weekly newspaper in West Jefferson, North Carolina. It was a job that I loved and worked at for over 3 and a half years. I between writing stories I would sell advertising and I walked the streets of that little town almost each and every day in search of “all the news that fits” to coin a phrase.

During that time, I relied heavily on the Winston Salem Journal, which had a Northwest section of the newspaper a couple of times a week. This was normally two or three pages relating to what was happening in Ashe County, the most northwest county in North Carolina. I would read their view on things and then take the stories and add a local element which they didn’t have the staff or time for.

I learned many things during my nearly 3 1/2 years at the Jefferson Times. I learned to load my black and white film in a darkroom and then develop it after a picture taking assignment. Not only did I write the stories, I also took the pictures that often accompanied them. One valuable lesson came on the heels of me taking a photo at the local Ford dealership of several employees receiving awards. They were great shots from the knees up and focused on the framed awards they were receiving. When I printed the photos, my editor asked me if these people had feet. I remember answering “I guess” and his response was classic: “Then where are they?” was his reply. That lesson has lasted the rest of my photographic life along with the “whole body” pictures of the family at the beach.

As I remember we practiced old time journalism at the Times. What I mean by that is we used the pyramid method of story writing along with the who, what, where and why formula. The pyramid method stacks the most important info into the first few paragraphs so that if the editor cut some of the story off the end in order to fit everything in, the sense of the article would not be lost.

It was during the last few months at the Times that a new paper began to be published. It was called USA Today and most of us traditional journalists called it the Mac Paper because it featured a lot of news in short bits and pieces and didn’t seem to have any depth to it. USA Today was indeed a sign of the times and definitely spoke to the attention span of many Americans at that time.

Even though I hated that paper at its beginning, several years later found me buying one out of their television paper boxes almost everyday. I liked the way it was organized with its color coded sections and the focus on the news and entertainment industries. Then, at some point it got way to liberal for me and the cost was more than I could justify, so I stopped buying it. The last time I read it in 2019 was the last time I will ever waste any more money on it. I realized at that point that they were not reporting the news but trying to manipulate the news to fit their liberal agenda. And there you have that.

But that is not the end of the story. Several months ago I began a subscription to the Wall Street Journal after buying their weekend edition at the local Publix. What I have found is that they actually report the news and still write with the intent to inform rather than manipulate. A lot of what they report comes at us through the lens of finance and business but I have found that they do more in depth reporting than almost any other news source. Of course it takes me about a week to wade through the weekend edition and some weeks are better than others in terms of what interests me.

An interesting article I just read in the Journal during this Covid-19 lockdown says that: “Evidence shows that social interaction is a biological requirement, much like eating, drinking and sleeping. Our ability to learn to talk, play, acquire new skills (like making art – my addition), fall in love, conduct business and age in good health all hinge on our motivation to connect with other people, social neuroscientists have found. So, while social distancing reduces transmission of the coronavirus, which is good for us, it also increases anxiety, frustration and loneliness, which is bad for us.”

During this time, it is in our best interest to try and keep connected with one another.

I was alerted via Facebook this morning that John Prine had passed away. I don’t know why he was never on my playlist as it seems like he was a singer/songwriter that I would really like. One of his song lyrics that popped up on my news feed is from a song called Hello in There and one verse goes like this:

Ya’ know that old trees just grow stronger
And old rivers grow wilder ev’ry day
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, “Hello in there, hello”

In ending this little story, lets take John’s advice and reach out to someone today by phone, by mail, by Facebook, by Zoom or any other ways that come to mind. As a community, let’s post what we are currently reading, listening to, or working on and keep sending those prayers and good thoughts to one another.

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The Joy of Running

In my dream, which I recently realized I have had more than once, I am running in a neighborhood, at night, on the sidewalk, in my bare feet. My strides are long and evenly paced and the feeling is that my feet barely touch the ground. I am amazed that the more I push, the less  I feel physically tired and the lighter I seem in spirit.

I think that I have a destination in mind: something that I am running towards, but that seems to be the least of my concern.

All I am really aware of is the joy that I feel and the sense of freedom that this joy brings me.

I recently discovered a song on Steffany Gretzinger’s latest album called “Forever Amen” that maybe puts my running into perspective. The verse goes: “Let me hear the sound of Your voice and I’ll come running”.

Something worth thinking about!


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Life Stories

One of my favorite program on television is This Is Us. The series follows the lives and families of two parents, and their three children, in several different time frames. On any given episode, there may be several separate story lines running across these many time frames.

The series is really much like our lives in that there are always several different story lines progressing through our days, weeks, months and years.

Today, in the midst of coronaville, I was reminded of a story line from the late 60’s in my own life. The relevance of which I hope you will see.

Late 1966 was a tumultuous year for me in many ways—most of which I only vaguely remember. I was a senior in high school and was having a hard time figuring out my place in life and often felt like I was a stranger in my own body.

My home life was less than stellar and I was often at odds with my parents who often seemed lost and caught up in their own drama as well.

Fast forward to early winter 1967 and amidst the confusion I seemed trapped in, I quit school and hitchhiked to NYC with a friend. Really can’t remember what we thought we would find but the city was to be the beginning of a year long journey which found me flying to San Francisco, moving to Seattle and finally returning to NYC and flying to Europe. After floating around Amsterdam and Munich for several months, I ended up in Italy and worked my way back to America on a freighter.

The biggest mistake in my life was moving back into my parents house when I returned to the USA and that is really where today’s story begins.

Everything was really wonderful after I returned from Europe and for awhile it seemed like I was riding on top of the world. I went to night school and got my high school diploma and began classes at the local community college. By the middle of my freshman year, I had all the teachers convinced I was smart and ran for student government president and won. During my brief tenure, the student council brought both Ralph Nader and Dick Gregory in to town as featured guests and speakers. Dick Gregory was less a comedian than a human rights activist and health nut at the time. I spent several hours with him from the Detroit airport and back and it was enlightening.

One of the people on the student council was a very pretty black girl who was also in my sociology class. She was a feisty debater and it wasn’t long before I asked her out on a date. As I remember we went to a restaurant for dinner and then attended a movie afterward.

Now we are talking about Port Huron, Michigan, a city on the shores of Lake Huron and the St. Clair River. Growing up I don’t remember many people of “color” on either side of the tracks.

World traveler that I was, the stares and so forth didn’t seem to bother me as my date and I walked through the downtown area. The first part of my wake-up call came as we watched the movie. It must have been one of those beach pictures which were popular at the time. I firmly remember, abut 15 minutes into the movie, noticing that there were not any black people in the film and I began to feel uncomfortable at that and my choice of movies and my total lack of under standing that reality. I don’t believe that I had the words to express what I was feeling and about how uncomfortable she must have felt.

Anyway, we made it through the evening, I walked her back to the student housing and went home. It probably was really that simple.

Later that week, I asked her out again and she asked me to meet her at her apartment. She informed me that she would not be going on another date with me and when I asked her why, she pointed to another student housing building down the block where a few of her black friends were hanging out. If I go out with you again, she said, I risk losing my friendship with those people that you see over there—they don’t approve of me dating you. Another moment where words failed me.

It wasn’t until several years later (yes, I am that thick sometimes) that I began to understand what had really taken place on that day. I felt stupid that I had rushed head-long into something that was beyond my reach or comprehension.

But it was a lesson learned and it is probably to simple to say that it was an example of reverse discrimination.

In writing this I am not looking for a pat on the back or a racial diversity award. I have my filters and so does everyone else.

Several years ago I had a conversation with a friend of mine about being black and all that entailed. I can’t remember the entire conversation but what stuck with me was his response to me. He said that even though his skin color was different from mine that he wanted me to regard him as a brother and to not define him as black or treat him any differently from how I would treat anyone else. We are still friends after all these years and that is really all that matters. He is a musician, a father, a husband and friend and that is really what defines him to me.

After all, it is the unknown that we are really afraid of isn’t it. What we know and are familiar with, is not as scary as what we don’t.

While walking on the beach with my wife a week or so ago, the 1958 movie “South Pacific” came to mind. The sound track to the movie is one that I will remember my whole life. One tune in particular came to mind that day on the beach.

The plot centers on an American nurse stationed on a South Pacific island during World War II, who falls in love with a middle-aged expatriate French plantation owner but struggles to accept his mixed-race children. A secondary romance, between a U.S. Marine lieutenant and a young Tonkinese woman, explores his fears of the social consequences should he marry his Asian sweetheart. The issue of racial prejudice is candidly explored throughout the musical, most controversially in the lieutenant’s song, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught”.

[Verse 1]
You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear
You’ve got to be taught from year to year
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught

[Verse 2]
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade
You’ve got to be carefully taught

[Verse 3]
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late
Before you are six or seven or eight
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You’ve got to be carefully taught

And during this ride that we are on, I do hope we learn before it is to late.

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Letting Off A Little Steam

In light of this coronavirus lockdown, social distancing and all the rest, I stumbled upon this thought this morning. I was imagining myself as an older John Prine who had not spent most of his life not writing songs. I was carefully strumming the guitar and allowing myself to think John Prine thoughts, or so I imagined, and in doing so let those pent up words and verses turn themselves into Oscar worthy songs.

Well, that never happened. But as my fingers loosened up on the strings, I remembered thinking, during my months as a surveyor for an engineering firm in the late 1960’s, that I hoped to reach 64 and still be able to play the guitar and hear the world around me.

To that end, I was one of the only people who wore ear protection when I used a chainsaw or brush cutter, so common when plotting out a subdivision in a heavily wooded area. My thought was that I would protect my body so that when I got older, there would still be something there to live for.

What I have come to understand since that time, and during this Covid-19 era, is that you really can’t totally protect yourself from everything that is going to happen around and to you. You can do your best to protect your hearing and then at 50 realize that tinnitus makes it sound like you are in a fall forest with the brittle leaves blowing against one another. And having said that, I do believe that my efforts to protect myself were not in vain—I just failed to take into consideration situations that were beyond my control or imagination.

And that is where we find ourselves today. Face masks either protect or they don’t (I guess there could be a middle ground). And if they do protect us is it you protecting yourself from me or me protecting myself from you or we are both protecting ourselves from one another. And what are we protecting ourselves from—that you might sneeze and that those droplets of viral infection might linger in the air that I unknowingly walk through.

In all of this, I doubt that we have all read the same articles and am reasonably sure that most of us are not on the same page when it comes to dealing with/understanding what is happening around us.

What I am almost positive about is the fact that none of us are 100% right or 100% wrong in the methods we have chosen to navigate this global storm.

Several years ago, a doctor who I highly respected told me that after 65 I should start getting the seasonal flu shot since our immunity is reduced (or so he said) as we age. Like I said, the guy was from Michigan (my home state) and seemingly read every analysis and medical report published. He had even stopped cholesterol testing in the blood work that he ordered for our annual check up. This because he believed that heart disease was mostly caused by inflammation and not cholesterol in our blood. What I have since learned is that he was correct about inflammation.

However, when it came to getting the flu shot, I took his word for a year or two and then after much research stopped getting one. When I did I made sure that I was getting the single dose version and not the bulk version with some sketchy preservatives. But then, after all that, you realize that the shot is only partially effective, that you have never had the flu, and that during flu season you wash you hands often and don’t pick your nose.

Not that any of that makes any difference in the overall scheme of things. The choices we make often have outcomes that, had we known at the time, might have affected our choices.

People die everyday because of bad habits—overeating, junk food, alcohol, drugs and the like. Good people get hit by drunk drivers, get cancer, and occasionally get hit by a bus.

Since Covid-19 has hit the scene and been politicized beyond measure, it is almost impossible to find a consensus about anything concerning this virus and the computer models that seem to propel the daily news. I read the other day that we have most certainly lowered the vehicle death rate during this crisis. And whether or not flattening the curve will prove effective or just serve to lengthen the time we have to live with this, has not been determined yet.

This is where things get dicey. I could go on a long time about what I have read and what I think about where things are at, heath and economy both considered, but I fear that the blowback would be significant and without any redeeming social value. A quick perusal of Facebook would be a case in point. People that haven’t hibernated or worn a mask or gotten within 6 feet of someone else have been called all sorts of stupid. We live in America and I am sure that some sort of forced vaccine will not be accepted. On the other hand, giving away some of your “rights” under the guise of big brother’s protection might be something that many would welcome.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out and how soon we can let the millions who have lost their jobs get back to work and making a living. I could use a good burger and beer.


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I Am Younger Than That Now

My life at almost seventy seems to be an endless stream of thoughts and memories that appear on the horizon of my mind’s eye and then fade to the credits without so much as a ripple in the ocean of my existence. The days and weeks skim and skip over hill and dale and more often than not, I have to wonder what is real and what is not.

And if we are not making new memories are we destined to live in the blurry past and as T. S. Eliot said, “…measure out our lives in coffee spoons.”

As most of you know, I have worked for an art supply company for the past 30 years. During that time my wife has taught art and written 4 books for children about making art in its various forms. We started our family in 1980 (first of four kids) and have utilized our refrigerator as an art gallery for most of the past 37 plus years.

I have had periods during my life where I have painted, drawn and collaged and am surprised by the many sketch books I have filled.

Sandi and I have been to the Metropolitan Museum, the MOMA and the Guggenheim  during our frequent visits to NYC. In other words, art has been and  continues to be an important part of our lives.

As to what prompted this missive is some research that I did last week about the stages of artistic development. Since we sponsor at least 25 art workshops per year at work I get to talk with many of the participants about their art journey. I am always interested in what motivates people to take classes and spend money in order to develop their skills when in comes to drawing and painting. And I believe that art has the power to transform a persons life in a positive way.

Several years ago a researcher named Viktor Lowenfeld compiled a study on the stages of artistic development and not unlike Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, has become the industry standard on this area of investigation.

Like most developmental studies, there is a little wiggle room around each category and age, but by and large, what I have read, seems to resonate true.

The first stage (2-4 years) is called “Scribbling”. It is Pre-Representational  and mark making and includes mandalas, slash marks, bang dots and open shapes. And not to be funny, but on point as to the nature of this post and the conclusions I have arrived at, we probably know some adults who never went past this stage. But more on that later.

The period for 4-7 years of age is the Pre-Schematic stage or first visual symbols and includes nature, filling the paper, floating shapes and transitions into tadpole people.

During the 7-9 year period, art is used for communication and includes facial features and improved representation of figures.

Dawning Realism is the title for the 9-11 year olds and art is a creative outlet and includes details, clothing to identity, receding space and world making.

11 to 13 years is the Age of Reason or ideas in search of forms and this artwork includes proportions and three-dimensional space and realistic colors.

Art motivated by meaning is the 14-17 years or Period of Decision. This art will include inspiration by emotion, social issues and improved skill level.

And lastly, 17 years and up, the Adult phase which includes a focus on individual goals and a continuous improvement upon prior knowledge.

I have purposely simplified this to at least present the graphical nature of artistic development in order to make a few observations.

In another blog that I read while researching, it was mentioned that children 11- to 13 years of age are becoming more critical of their success or lack and need encouragement.

But it is the next level that resonated most within me.

The Decision Stage (13-16 years old) when a person will decide to continue drawing or will quit based on perception that they lack the necessary skill. There is a high level of self criticism at this point which leads to this decision. Some will decide to continue making art and will continue to grow and it appears this stage is the most critical in the development of an artist.

As a youngster I was an avid fan of comics and would draw the characters that I liked most. I got pretty good at copying stuff from them and the funny papers that came with the Sunday paper. I guess it was at this point that my mother enrolled me in a Saturday morning art class because of my interest in drawing.

As I remember (it’s been a long time) the class was held in a classroom and was full of future artists. Though things are a little fuzzy at this point, I think we drew shapes and learned to create 3-dimensional stuff using shading, etc. I sat next to a boy who I think was a little older than me and when we moved on to still life’s and portraits, his ability to make life-like representations was amazing. In other words, he was so much better than anyone in the class and, I thought, especially me, that I grew frustrated in my ability and quit going to class. After that, I don’t remember drawing again until I was in high school and art was an easy class to take for credit.

All this was before I had read in the bible (Galatians 6:4) that it is unwise to compare yourselves to one another. We need to find happiness in what we have created, irregardless of what others have accomplished.

As I mentioned earlier, I am surprised by the amount of sketchbooks and portfolios that I have filled over the years. Looking back at some of this stuff (art) I am surprised at the quality of some of it and have to wonder why I didn’t follow through with this or that inspiration. One of the points here is that I have created art not to be shown to others, but rather, to fulfill a longing within myself. I approach playing music in much the same way. I like getting together with others and jamming but am mostly content to just sit in my living room and fill that space with whatever sound seems pleasing at the time.

As Sandi and I were wondering through Central Park this past September, we came across many entertainers doing their thing. Most of them, if not all, were doing what they did in order to be seen by others and, according to the open guitar cases and hats full of money, had a desire to be rewarded for their effort. Nothing wrong in this scenario except for the fact that it brought to my mind the idea of wanting to be seen, be famous, be recognized for something outside of myself.

I realized that within the desire to be known as an artist or a musician or actor, etc. there is an implied set of rules as to how this ideal is to be accomplished. And therein lies the rub to my sensibility: I have always chosen to participate in many areas of interest rather than confine myself to becoming famous or well known in one. To become good at anything we must be single-minded about that pursuit and, like the horse with blinders on, stay focused in order to excel.

The conclusion that I came to, while walking in the park with my wife, is that even though the thought of being famous as an artist, writer or musician is indeed intriguing, I was just not wired in that direction and have no regrets in the fact that I am only a bit above average in many of the “arts” that I have pursued.

And that ride, for me, is about as good as it gets.








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The Information Age

Hi. My name is Terry Henry and I am an information junkie!

I can almost see myself at some Information Anonymous meeting, in the basement of some small church, in a poorly lit neighborhood, acknowledging my addiction.

And now, looking back on my senior year in high school and my class schedule of American lit, English lit and World lit (3 separate classes), I can see a pattern begin to emerge.

I have always loved to read. So much so in fact that when I was in grade school, I burned through so many Hardy Boys mysteries that my mother told me, in no uncertain terms, that I either had to slow down or she would not buy me anymore books to read. One of my biggest pleasures was slowly eating a box of good and plenty candies while I read.

What started me thinking this way today is perhaps because I am in the process of devouring Malcolm Gladwell’s newest book entitled, Talking to Strangers.

And talk about information overload.

The inside panel of the book says: “Talking to Strangers is all about what happens when we encounter people we don’t know, why it often goes awry, and what it says about us.

How do we make sense of the unfamiliar? Why are we so bad at judging someone, reading a face, or detecting a lie? Why do we so often fail to ‘get’ other people?

Through a series of puzzles, encounters and misunderstandings, from little-known stories to infamous legal cases, Gladwell takes us on a journey through the unexpected. You will read about the spy who spent years undetected at the highest levels of the Pentagon, the man who saw through the fraudster Bernie Madoff, the suicide of the poet Sylvia Plath and the false conviction of Amanda Knox. You will discover that strangers are never simple.”

However, this post is not a review of the book but an acknowledgement that this book has brought some of my latest/latent thoughts to the surface.

One thought at the front of my mind is this: what haven’t we developed a cure for cancer? One would think, with all the research and money spent, that a cure would have been developed by now.

I am aware of the fact that the human immune system and abnormal cellular development is like a big area to search and quantify; but come on now, this is the 21st century not the dark ages.

An internet search reveals that during the past 40 years, when the war on cancer began, the National Cancer Institute has spent 90 billion on research. This is in addition to all the other research done on a world-wide basis that is also in the billions of dollars spent. As a perspective, on the opposite side of the fence, spending on cancer medicines totaled $107 billion worldwide in 2015 and is projected to exceed $150 billion by 2020. Perhaps that is why conspiracy theories abound about why a cure has not been found: big pharma makes lots of money on cancer, etc.

Bear in mind that this is just an observation and not an invitation to start a long discussion surrounding the ins and outs of this subject which could possibly fill a library.

PS: As a side note I thought it interesting that the Wall Street Journal ran an article in this past weekend’s edition which spoke to this very thing. The writers assessment was that we are still using cancer treatment techniques developed in the 70’s that are still more harmful than beneficial. Her estimate is that the focus of most research is on end stage cancer, which by that time is almost impossible to turn around without destroying lots of healthy cells along the way. And that the quality of life is not that great for most chemo patients. Something to think about for sure.

A second thought which is not even in the same solar system is about traffic signals and what I perceive to be a very inefficient system of how they function.

We have all been at some intersection and waited for the light to turn green and noticed that there is no good reason why we are still in a holding pattern. No traffic from the left and no traffic from the right and yet the light remains red until a set time that has been programed in by some employee of the Department of Transportation that lives 200 miles away from the town in which we live. On the side of the road by every traffic signal is a big stainless steel box that evidently contains the hardware/software that activates the signal based on some programming activated by cables underneath the asphalt our cars sit on top of. All well and good when it works and a pain when it doesn’t seem to realize the actual traffic patterns in whatever area we find ourselves in.

The thought that I had the other day is a simple one: why can’t we retrofit all those boxes with some sort of artificial intelligence that when hooked up to the roadway sensors or a camera would actually program the lights to the actual flow of traffic and not just some time based algorithm that has been determined by some engineer who lives somewhere else.

Remember you heard it here first.

Lastly I will say that Sandi and I had a great time in NYC the first several days of the first weekend in September. As any of you who have walked the streets of this fantastic city already know, NYC is a people watching place. If you don’t like to walk, watch people and eat, you will not enjoy the big apple.

There are people of all races, colors, creeds and sizes on the streets, in the subways and restaurants; many of which are, at least to me, attractive in some very interesting ways.

I realized when I returned to Boone, NC that I tend to de-construct people that I see during my daily walk through life. A part of one day I focused on noses and the many shapes and sizes and whether or not I thought they fit the persons face and/or defined the culture I imagined they were from. Then I looked at shoes and again at hair cuts and again listened to what language they were speaking to one another in. All in all, it was a revelation to me that this was how I digested the world around me and the strangers that inhabited it with me.

And last but not least, a snippet of what Gladwell was talking about in his book.

He related the fact that almost everything we take in from the world and the people around us is filtered through a filter called “bias”.

Websters defines bias as: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

Or as Wikipedia defines it: Bias is disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief. In science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error.

Politicians play to our biases as do health professionals, climate scientists, televangelists, and the list is perhaps endless.

So in ending, I would hope that we start to listen to one another in a new way and really attempt to understand what is being said rather than jump to conclusions before all the facts have been laid on the table.

And I can’t help but wonder if the writer of Ecclesiastes was on to something when he said:

(Ecclesiastes 1:18) Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.

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The Aging Process Is Not Trout Fishing

I recently finished reading for perhaps the 2nd or 3rd time Richard Brautigan’s 1967 collection of stories entitled “Trout Fishing In America”. In the book, Brautigan would tell a story and would then assume the persona of the book’s title and would reply to the story as “Trout Fishing In America”. What this has to do with the aging process I am not quite sure, but as I started to write, this title popped into my soggy mountain brain. Perhaps it is because 1967 was a magical year for me and many other teens as we began our search for meaning and the purpose of life.

Perhaps the 50th high school class reunion that I attended in 2017 fits into the larger picture of aging in America somehow. And from what I have seen so far, it is not a picture that you would frame and hang up for all to see on your living room wall.

One of the first things that you notice about getting older is that time seems to pass by very quickly and one season follows another in a fast-forward sort of way. If you have been fortunate enough to have children, they have left the nest and have kids of their own and it seems like overnight you have become a grandparent.

Memories seem to fade or become so blurry as to be hardly recognizable. People have come into your life and people have left and sometimes it is hard to even remember their names.

The thought that started this train was my memory of asking my mother where my dad might be found. Her sometimes reply was that he was “in the library”. And as our collective consciousness will recall, the library was a metaphor for the bathroom. It seemed like most older people would take some reading matter with them to the library in order to facilitate the bodily processes that had apparently slowed down over time.

What was once a two minute hike up a well worn trail had/has become a meandering of sorts through hill and dale. As our metabolism slows, other things follow and that is only part of the aging process.

I have noticed that my skin is not as smooth as it once was. There are lines and scrapes and spots and light and dark areas that populate mostly my arms and legs.

Several years ago, I could work in the garden for most of the day without resting. I now do about an hours worth of work in order to take a fifteen or twenty minute break. All the work gets done but in a far longer time frame. Not a big problem, just another adjustment that needs to be made as we age in order to make it through the day.

I guess I could go on and on about all the subtle changes that take place as we journey down life’s pathway. What we will always find is that it is better to let go than it is to hold onto the way things used to be. As we make adjustments, we can move forward with a confidence that only comes with maturity. And remembering that you are only as old as that inner picture of yourself, which today may be thirty rather than the 69 or 70 calendar years your body tells you it is.


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